Monthly Meeting January 2025 – Quiz Night

Our first meeting of the New Year was our fun Quiz Night which this year was hosted by Marinda. 

We split into teams of four and Quizmaster Marinda decreed that this was not a test of how quickly you can look something up, so no phones or books allowed this year! She was also strict on timing with a minute being allowed for each of the 30 questions. So with the rules in place, we got started, with each team having a scoresheet for the Team Scribe to write the answer. We then swapped sheets with a neighbouring team for the serious matter of marking. I made up a quarter of the Trumpeters along with Ingbert, Dudley and Kathrine.

As usual at these events I learnt things. I certainly didn’t know that a group of flamingos is a Flamboyance, and a baby flamingo is called a Flaminglet, or that the closet living relative to the fearsome T-Rex is a chicken.  I’m happy that I have this knowledge now.

The winners were Team Sheba (Willene, Marion S, Pat and Richard and the runners up were the Secretary Birds (Trish, Tony, Jenny and John) and both teams received a prize of a mug and coaster set. The prizes were donated by Helderberg Nature Reserve, for which we are very grateful.

Huge thanks to Marinda for her time on the Quiz and Maresa who helped out on the night, also to committee members to provided questions and proofread. I was one of the committee members who provided a couple of questions which I took from Batis articles that I had worked on during 2024. I can state categorically that this did not give me any advantage as when we got to those questions, I had forgotten the correct answers and got them wrong…

Happy New Year!